woensdag 12 juni 2013

Cucumber soup with a touch of Spain

The story:
No worries, I hear you thinking: Cucumber soup? Soup of cucumbers? You call that a culinary dish, you've got to be kidding me?! Yes, these were the exact same thoughts I had when I heard my friend expressing this culinary idea.
It was a cozy evening in Seville, some friends and I were hanging around the kitchen table, thinking of how to fill our stomachs before planning our road trip through Andalucia. Cucumber soup was the last thing I would have thought about.. But, luckily, in life, people think differently and Stephanie had this dish ranked as one of her favourites. Convinced of her culinairy inspiration she suggested this brilliant dish. Unfortunately Maaike, Violet and I were not so convinced of its brilliance, as could be seen by our not-so-charming faces and a big question mark rising above our heads screaming "CUCUMBER SOUP?! What the..". But before we could make up any excuses to politely turn down our friend's idea, we found ourselves cutting onions and steering in the soup pan.... filled with.. cucumbers. Yes, we were weak.. we swayed... But now I am glad we did. I am so happy Stephanie had this moment of brilliance that night in Seville and that she dragged us on the adventure called 'Cucumber soup with a touch of Spain', cause I wouldn't have wanted to miss it for a thing! I must even admit, it is one of my favourite soups nowadays.. Especially for hot summer eve's, like those back in Seville..

Ingredients (for 4 persons)
* 2 onions
* 8 cucumbers
* 1 tablet chicken or vegetable stock
* 125 ml creme fraiche

Spice it up with:
* 20 gr. of fresh coriander
* salt and pepper
* Jamon Serrano (Spanish raw ham, as the 'touch of Spain')

Preparation and cooking instructions
1) Peel the cucumbers and cut them in half (in their length). Remove the inside of the cucumbers, so that only the 'solid' outside parts are left, and chop these in small pieces
2) Chop the onions and fry them in a pan with a little bit of olive oil. After 2 minutes add the cucumbers and fry for another 5-7 minutes, to soften the cucumbers

3) Add about 1 liter of boiled water to the mixture (the exact quantity depends on the amount of stock you use) together with 1 tablet of chicken or vegetable stock. Season the mixture with plenty of salt and pepper. Let the soup boil for about 15 minutes until the cucumbers have become extremely soft.
4) Take the soup from the stove and mix it with a hand-mixer until the soup is completely smooth

5) Add the creme fraiche, chopped pieces of Serrano ham (this is the delicious Spanish touch!) and chopped, fresh coriander to the mixture, steer it well, and serve it in soup bowls, with a piece of fresh, crispy bread

Delicious on warm summer evenings, enjoyed with lovely friends. Music: Jose de Rico - Rayos de Sol

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